
Hi, I’m Melinda and I’m an external processor, which means I think out loud! In other words, I think best by talking and writing – I often discover or refine my ideas and opinions in conversation with others and this blog has helped me to do so as well.

Since 2021, I’ve been the Director of Ministries for Baptist Churches SA, which has left me less time than previously for blogging. It’s also important to note that my blog posts are my own musings and do not seek to represent anyone else.

Previously, I oversaw the training and accreditation of pastors as well as teaching biblical studies at Tabor Adelaide. I completed my PhD on the Psalms in 2016, looking at ideas of performance, emotion, imagination, and embodiment.

I love to travel the world, and spent an amazing few years working with Global Interaction which gave me the opportunity to see and experience the way many different people around the world worship Jesus within their own cultures.

I’m an ordained Baptist pastor and preach regularly in a number of churches around SA including my wonderful home church, Richmond. I’m passionate about the story of God revealed in the Bible and I love seeing people learn how that intersects with their own life story.

Before God called me into ministry I studied Law at University and I still have a pretty keen interest in politics (Australian, US and global). I love conversations about topics that challenge my thinking and allow me to express ideas and possibilities.

12 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Melinda.
    A friend of mine sent me photograghs of what he claimed were of Victoria Falls, taken by you. (I think that they are your photos. At the bottom of photos it says “melindacousins.com”) The Falls look all dried up with a fraction of what I remember of the water flowing there. Are these pictures real? Are they of the Victoria Falls?
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Melinda I have recently seen some photos of Victoria Falls that we were about to email to prayer groups in Zimbabwe – but having spent 44 years in that country I think that the photos are showing the Zambian end of the falls which have never had much water flowing over the falls – am I correct, I consider myself to be a very knowledgeable person on Rhodesia / Zimbabwe if you have an interest in that country I have many photos too


    1. Again if you click on the link in my comment above, you will see the photos in the context I originally posted them. They are all taken from the Zimbabwe side of the falls, with some looking towards the Zambian side.


  3. Hello Melinda, Are you the same Melinda Cousins who wrote the drama The Greatest Story Ever Told Or “The Bible in 15 minutes”? I recently tried to email you at bigpond to ask permission to use the play, but my email bounced back.


  4. Hello Melinda – While researching the Wittenberg Castle church for a small illustration project involving Martin Luther, I came across your photograph “grave and pulpit.” It’s a wonderful photo, and I would love to talk to you about whether I could use it as reference for my own, traditionally rendered piece. I would be happy to explain the project in more detail if you contact me directly.
    Thank you,

    Heather Hudson

    c/o Studio Wondercabinet
    117 East Louisa Street #307
    Seattle, WA 98102


  5. Melinda,
    I am a youth worker in the U.S. and was looking at your skit on Dramatix entitled “Extreme Makeover” . It referenced a powerpoint but I cannot find where to download it. Is it available still for download.


  6. Hi Melinda,
    I would like to request to use some of your Anzac Cove photographs in our upcoming 2021 Anzac Day commemoration footage. Could you please contact me?
    Kind regards


  7. Hi Melinda
    I just read your Advent devotion for Common Grace. Thanks so much for that.
    I noticed in the bio that you did your PhD on the Psalms of Ascent. Is there some way I can access that?
    I’m a NSW Baptist Pastor. I’ve been doing interim ministries for the last 9 years and am about to finish up at Thornleigh Community Baptist Church after a year there.
    My request stems from a personal interest in pilgrimage. I love the Psalms of Ascent, have often preached on them, and am keen to reflect further on them.
    Thanks, John


  8. Hi again Melinda.

    I’ve just finished reading your PhD at last. To say that I am impressed is an understatement. I was aware of biblical performance criticism through friendship with one of your supervisors during a few years of interim ministry at their church, but your application of it to the Psalms of Ascent was a revelation. I appreciated your overview of the development of biblical criticism, your translation from Hebrew (which I never learnt unfortunately), and your insights from enactment. Thanks for the new insights into much loved Psalms and into a way of understanding them better.

    Regards, John


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